
Health, Safety, and Environment training in the workplace are one of the most required certification courses, required for avoiding workplace accidents and ensuring employees long-term health and safety effects.

In contemporary business, health and safety requirements are of utmost concern to corporations. Stringent government legislation as well as guidelines means that commerce to be tremendously careful in this area, and HSE training in Lagos is a key to making this happen.

However, it is imperative that companies know that HSE training in Nigeria is not only something they should do, but something that is advantageous to their business. Businesses large and diminutive receive a range of advantages from skilling their employees up in these areas of proficiency

In this blog, we will examine the key advantages to businesses of providing health and safety training for employees.

HSE Training in Nigeria

It Increases Employee Awareness

No matter what industry you work in, from construction to finance, every place of work has its hazards. These hazards are often things that you may not consider dangerous unless you have had appropriate training.

In this context, employee training in health and safety is precious to educate your team members on the different hazards in the workplace and how to administer them. Quality health and safety training will cover office hazards, how to recognize them, how to address them and how to keep away from these hazards occurring in the first place.

HSE Training which is precise to your industry is predominantly useful as this will cover the specific hazards common to your type of workplace.

It Will Reduce Accidents and Injuries

This may seem palpable, but one of the key advantages of health and safety training for employees is that it will diminish the number of incidents in the workplace, and perhaps outside of the workplace as well. Workplace incidents can array from minor illnesses as well as injuries to life-threatening accidents along with conditions and, in the tremendous, death.

If want to gain HSE training online, then there is no better place than HSE Training Academy. We offer diverse types of HSE training courses that will help you gain instant certification! 


In today’s competitive corporate world; excellent performance, past achievements, and successful track records are not enough to get better career scopes and high salaried jobs! If you want to refine the scopes for your future career; then joining an accredited Nebosh Training In Lagos at HSE Training International will be helpful!

HSE training for Corpers is one of the best-certified courses every youth Corp member should attain before their one-year compulsory service runs to an end because this is going to give them an edge straight away after the service year by serving their certification and in turn help their job search in Nigeria.

What is HSE?

The word HSE is an ellipsis for Health, Safety as well as Environmental Management. It involves managing, controlling as well as handling all aspects of health safety and environment, in the gasoline industry with focuses on major misfortune peril.

NEBOSH Training in Nigeria

HSE is regarded as the most noteworthy qualifications training in diverse fields such as Engineering, science, technology, oil as well as gas, art, medicine, administration, management along with banking and economics

NEBOSH training in Nigeria offers participants with an acquaintance, skills, and solid preparation in practices of professional health and safety, emergency planning as well as also environmental management.

At the end of the HSE course, victorious candidates stand Ninety-five percent of being selected for employment or endorsement.

HSE levels, there are 3 levels to be qualified as a safety officer, it includes:

  • Level 1(Award in health and safety at work) – this level is apposite for beginners or anyone in the headquarters environment. It offers the starting point at which more comprehensive training in level 2 can follow.
  • Level 2 (Risk Assessment Practical Application) – this level of requirement is designed to aid get better or else enable learners to comprehend the basic principles of risk assessment.

  • Level 3 (Award in Environmental Awareness) – this itinerary is right for everyone whose activities could have an important impact on the environment.

If you are looking for HSE courses for corpers online, consider hiring HSE Training Academy!NEBOSH training in Nigeria


Do you want to boost your work proficiency in workplace safety management? Or you want to add more skills and certification your professional corporate career? Get Health, Safety and Environment Training from the expert trainers and industry leaders at HSE Training International and sharpen your skills and knowledge on occupational safety management.

HSE training institute matters in the office has often been seen as a costly, disruption to operations as well as industry activities. Many start-ups deem it an expense that brings little advantage to an organization.

Regrettably, year on year, employees from all kinds of industries are injured through accidents or else fall ill due to un-assessed circumstances that could have been avoided through basic health safety and environment training matters.

Health, Safety and Environment Training

The advantages of Health and Safety training in the office are frequent, offereing benefits for the employer as well as most specially the employee - the person most at peril.

In spite of the size of your business or else company, Health and Safety Training is compulsory and here are some reasons why you should give it strong deliberation if you haven’t already.

Every Workplace has an Element of Risk

Numerous employees ignore health and Safety training based on the statement that their line of work does not engross much risk. The truth is that ranging from handling heavy equipment in big manufacturing companies to physically handling packages and liquids, there are levels of experience to risk as well as illness.


Sometimes, small businesses pose superior hazards. The casualty rate in SME manufacturers for example, is twice that of large ones.

So, the attendance of risk no matter how little the possibility is why your staff has a right to know how to defend them.

It Increases Staff efficiency

Admittedly organizing a Health and Safety training for your staff is a remarkable investment, but to presume that it has no returns is false. Employees in numerous ways are like customers, treat them well as well as they stay, treat them well and they experience valued and extravagance your customers well in turn.

If you are looking out for HSE training academy, consider going to the official website of HSE Training Academy.


We have weekday and weekend batches for those you register for classroom training. We also offer the option to Our E-learning Management System for Corp members who want to learn online.

Health Safety and Environment training certified experts are on high demand in the Nigeria Labor Market. With this current economic tendency in the country, it is very significant that every Corp member of the Corp in Nigeria should furnish themselves with specialized courses while serving during their one-year compulsory service in Nigeria.

What Is the Major Requirement?

To meet the criteria for a special discount for HSE training for Corpers, you must have a valid NYSC ID card

What You Will Get

  • International Specialized Certificate in Health Safety Environment Level 1, 2 and 3
  • Training in line with the Methodology of the World Safety Organization
  • Tea Break
  • Experienced and Certified Consultants
  • Conducive Learning Environment
  • Internship and Employment Support

Health Safety and Environment Training

What Is the Mode of Training?

We have weekday and weekend batches for those you register for classroom training.

We also offer the option to Our E-learning Management System for Corp members who want to learn online.

After Training, Is There and Examination to Write?

Upon the conclusion of the training, the candidates will be obligatory to seat for an international exam. The papers to write are HSE levels 1, 2 & 3 (contains obligatory multiple-choice questions as well as essential practical-based questions. Candidates who pass this exam will be issued Certificates in two weeks after the exam, as well as certificates, will be sent from the World Safety Organization. The exams are held in our training centers and coordinated under the endorsement of WSO.

How Is The Examination Marked?

After the exams, all answers are returned to the World Safety Organization for evaluation. To pass each level, you need to score at least sixty percent in each of the levels. Each level passed entitles you to a credential for that level. However, candidates who fail to meet any of the requisite marks will be made to re-write examination for free.

Are you searching for the best HSE Training Service Provider? Consider visiting the HSE Training Academy.


Accidents will occur in any workplace. The distinction between one occurrence and another is the organization's ability to get ready for it. Arrangement decides result, from the seriousness of the accident to the monetary costs it would take to recoup from it.

Hse Training For CorpersHse Training For Corpers

Regardless of whether it's a straightforward slip and fall at a retail foundation or an all the more disturbing occurrence at a synthetic plant, no business could ever need to be in a situation that leaves them presented to legitimate activity and, in the long run, harmed notoriety. This is correctly why each spot of business needs to actualize the current health and safety standards and go for hse audit periodically.

What does an Institution of Occupational Safety and Health Managing Safely course have to do with this make a difference? Organizations gain proficiency with the most ideal approach to actualize their health and safety strategies through the Managing Safely course. It's insufficient to have the approaches set up.

Organizations need to adequately pass on their health and safety rules to the workforce, which is the thing that the Managing Safely course intends to accomplish. From finding out about hazard assessment to perceiving management duties, organizations will have the option to approach and execute hse training for Corpers or the employees of a workplace episode in the most ideal manner conceivable. In doing as such, accidents can be avoided.

Whether it is a workplace or a club t is important to always have health safety and environment training for members or the employees to avoid any major accidents or any fatalities in time.


Online health and safety courses including hse 1 2 3 training courses are for the most part obtained as a product permit and much of the time are non refundable after course initiation because of programming authorizing. It is in this manner essential to ask training suppliers inquiries identifying with assessments, accreditation and extra expenses preceding buy.

Online health and safety learning touched base because of advances in innovation. E-learning is frequently alluded to as online training and is a depiction of the style or strategy where an understudy contemplates a training course.

  • Conventional form of learning 

The conventional type of learning is study hall based and in the present training industry it is as yet the most conspicuous structure because of its mentor and representative intelligence. Study hall based training is a course conveyed by a certified teacher or coach at a predefined scene and the course is typically conveyed for a generally high number of representatives, for instance ten to twenty individuals.

  • Online learning

E-learning is fundamentally the same as anyway the hse courses online material is conveyed online and got to by means of the web utilizing a PC or PC. This as I would see it is by a wide margin the most developed type of considering outside of gathering based homeroom environments.

Online training is much of the time a favored learning technique as understudies can sign into their work or home PC without conveying with them a CD/DVD or other printed version course materials. Understudies login to the learning framework online by entering a username and a secret phrase and can keep considering where they left off during their last session.

HSE 1 2 3 Training

  • Online examination 

As a rule assessment can be directed online, anyway some looking at bodies favor their tests to be completed in a controlled environment while invigilated by an analyst and in this way physical participation for a test can be required.

Online health and safety courses including hse 1 2 3 training courses are for the most part obtained as a product permit and much of the time are non refundable after course initiation because of programming authorizing. It is in this manner essential to ask training suppliers inquiries identifying with assessments, accreditation and extra expenses preceding buy.


Receiving health and safety standards through hse professional certification additionally enables venture to be finished on spending plan and times. Safe and healthy workplace makes laborers increasingly proficient and this considers well the task.

Great health and safety practice at sites guarantees prosperity of laborers, companies, industry and society on the loose. Laborers become safer and increasingly beneficial while companies get greater and progressively gainful. More or less, it's a success win circumstance for everybody.

  • How it benefits laborers? 

It spares them from fatalities. It's surely not a decent inclination being debilitated, harmed or in outrageous cases dead. There is no "loss of pay" and a "high restorative expense" to stress over. In addition, hse professional certification additionally helps their resolve, efficiency and thusly vocation.

HSE Professional Certification

  • How it profits companies? 

Everybody evades unsafe tasks be it laborers, clients or speculators and in this way it turns into even more significant for companies to think about health and safety of laborers. Indictment is dreaded the most as it may postpone or hold the undertaking bringing about loss of a huge number of pounds.

Receiving health and safety standards through hse professional certification additionally enables venture to be finished on spending plan and times. Safe and healthy workplace makes laborers increasingly proficient and this considers well the task.

  • How would we guarantee health and safety standards at sites? 

We do it by counteracting unfit access to site. We preclude laborers without appropriate health and safety training from taking a shot at sites. To demonstrate you are a laborer prepared in safety, there is a professional certification to get.

The stunt is that you can't get the card without going to a Health and safety mindfulness course and after that breezing through a safety test which guarantee you have built up the capacity to guarantee a safer and healthier site. Besides, the card additionally guarantees you are a skilled laborer with great information of your exchange.


Unemployment problem is quite rampant in Nigeria but there is a way of finding job there. People getting HSE training and certification can find jobs as safety and environment professional easier in comparison to others. The certification is currently one of the most significant certifications around in Nigeria as it can get the trained professional a job in engineering, science, technology, art, medicine, oil and gas, and a host of other industries conveniently.

HSE Training for Corpers is Mandatory

Also it is now mandatory undergoing the HSE training for corpers in any enterprise in the country under the law of the land with both public and private sectors showing greater concern for health, safety, and environmental well being of the employers and employees in all enterprises. The legal requirement has also enhanced the importance of HSE training across Nigeria. Moreover, the training helps in developing positive health and safety attitude in the work culture of an enterprise.

HSE Training Enhances Performance

As the basic advantage of HSE training is improvement of health and safety of all concerned in an enterprise, it works as performance booster for the company or enterprise where people are trained. Training in HSE reduces work related injuries and improves confidence levels of the workers.

The only question is where can one find the most qualitative and effective HSE training that would give best results. The answer is simple. You need to find the HSE training institute that provides innovative and intelligently devised courses and have the best trainers in its wings. Also, the certification should be globally recognized ensuring the holder job opportunity at any place.


Working as a health and safety professional can bring the best chance for you to craft a career that is thriving enough and rewarding. These professionals are highly admired at the present time industries, as they play a major role to safeguard the industrial properties and human lives. Employers these days also show a great interest to hire these professionals so that they can get rid of increasing insurance cost and can enhance the productivity of the work place. If your workers are not in the best health condition, they are also not going to work in a productive manner. This is where the role of a health and safety professional brings the best outcome for just any industry. To work at this post, you also need to join the HSE training institute where they offer proper health and safety management training programs.

  • For corpers

Well, this time the HSE training has gone to the next level. The top Nigerian institute has announced the HSE training for corpers. This type of training program is designed for those who not only wish to get the relevant certification but also wish to work as a health and safety professional who can handle safety measures at the industries in a proper manner. It’s a kind of training that can enhance your skills and aptitude as a health and safety professional.

  • Join the best institute

Joining the best HSE training institute makes a sense. When you join the best institute, you also get the best training.