
HSE Professional certification is a general term for regulations, methods, and processes intended to help protect workers, the environment and the public from harm. The methods as well as processes in HSE are learned through training and re-training of those exposed to hazards.

Health Safety And Environment TrainingHealth Safety And Environment Training

The factories Act of 1987 and the cap 126 in 1990 as well as the factories act of 2004 by the Federal Government of Niegria makes it compulsory for employers to offer a safe workplace for their employees.

A safe work environment without hazards as well as accidents can be accomplished through effective implementation of company-wide health and safety management system. Thus training as well as re-training personnel on the global best practice in health and safety cannot be ignored.

Why should I Register for HSE Training?

Health safety and environment training in Nigeria is compulsory as a basic requirement by law employers of labour. You automatically become an asset to you organization and it brightens your prospects within the organizations.  HSE Training and certification may be the omitted link to finding your next job.

Benefits to Organizations

  • A well-managed health and safety programme
  • A positive and caring image
  • Reduced staff turnover
  • Reduced risk of fines and litigation
  • More contracts and business opportunities
  • Reduced health care or insurance costs
  • Improved staff morale
  • Diminished absenteeism
  • Increased efficiency

If you are in search for HSE training service provider, consider visiting our official website of HSE Training Academy. We allow instalment payments and many more!


What is an HSE Audit?

An HSE Audit gauges a workplace’s compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration and EPA standards. Though the process, the auditor can comprehend the effectiveness of a company’s current policies and determines if they have any deficiencies.

Hse Courses Online Hse Courses Online 

To be an HSE auditor you need to accomplish HSE courses online. If you have been searching for the best online destination for HSE courses, consider visiting the official website of HSE Training Academy. We offer diverse types HSE training courses for leading a career in Health, safety and environment management.

Significance of HSE Courses

Educating workers on the basis of occupational health and safety can assist reduce workplace accidents and injuries. It saves companies from costly legal battles with employees and lifelong support for their families. Prioritizing the safety of your personnel can keep them from leaving the job because of work-related illness, keeping financial losses secondary to lack of proficient workers at a minimum.

Apart from the legal and financial benefits that come with offering health and safety instruction to employees, the business can also enjoy better productivity and satisfaction among employees by keeping workplace safe.

It’s vital to note that the employees in a safe work environment can focus better on their tasks, simply because they do not have to worry as much about their employee’s safety. This improved focus will eventually lead to better work output and quality, finally increasing productivity and consequently, the company’s benefit in the long run.

If you are interested in pursuing online courses for HSE, consider visiting our online website now! You assure you will find exactly what you need.  


There is no doubt that training staffs will be a key activity when implementing an occupational Health and Safety management using the requirement of ISO 45001 training. This training offers staffs or employees with actual benefits for the organization. In this blog post we will discuss some of the important benefits of these training processes. 

ISO 14001 TrainingISO 14001 Training

Benefits of ISO 45001 and 14001 Training!

There are numerous benefits of ISO 45001 and ISO 14001 TrainingHere are some of the top benefits listed below:

  • Superior worker buy-in- when workers know why you are implementing training sessions of ISO 45001 and 14001 and how it works, they are much likely to be helpful with the implementation of new processes, and better able to adapt changes in existing process. The training sessions can also assist the employees to realize the workplace safety, and improving OH&S performance, is everyone’s responsibility.
  • Enhanced process compliance- when changes need to be made in processes, workers need to be instructed in the content of these changes. When everyone is trained consistently in the process requirements, this will lead to consistency of the process.
  • Common understanding of OH & S outcomes- when you ensure that employee are trained in the OH & S aspects of their job, they become aware of the implications and latent consequences of not following the OH & S rules for the job. No one wants injury at workplace, and training that highlights why rules and safety controls are in place, and what happens when these safeguards are not used.

HSE Training Academy is a certified HSE training service provider for Health, safety and environment management. Hire us to get immediate training access.


If anyone is looking for a globally recognized health, safety, and environment training and certification then NEBOSH training in Nigeria could be ideal for such person. The course offers one of the best safety and health and environment training not only of the basics but also advanced techniques of combating workplace hazards. It is also necessary finding an institute that can impart qualitative training for the candidates looking for HSE training. In addition; it is necessary understanding different levels of HSE training and their respective areas of operation.

Aims and Objectives of      NEBOSH Training in Nigeria

While everyone is eligible for enrollment in NEBOSH training, it is also especially designed for use by safety professionals. The course is designed to make the trainees understand the essences of good HSE standards and best practices to ensure safe and healthy environment at workplace improving overall productivity. The aim is to develop safety culture and clear and precise understanding of risk management issues. It includes everything from physical risk through natural risk management.

About HSE 1, 2 and 3

There are different levels of health, safety, and environment training and it includes HSE 1, 2 and 3 levels. The level 1 involves HSE appreciation providing the basics of the techniques and methodologies. Level 2 is general HSE whereas the level 3 is supervisory level course.

While level 1 is the ideal course for employees in general in an organization; the level 3 is meant for the safety professionals desiring to build up their career in the trade.