
We have weekday and weekend batches for those you register for classroom training. We also offer the option to Our E-learning Management System for Corp members who want to learn online.

Health Safety and Environment training certified experts are on high demand in the Nigeria Labor Market. With this current economic tendency in the country, it is very significant that every Corp member of the Corp in Nigeria should furnish themselves with specialized courses while serving during their one-year compulsory service in Nigeria.

What Is the Major Requirement?

To meet the criteria for a special discount for HSE training for Corpers, you must have a valid NYSC ID card

What You Will Get

  • International Specialized Certificate in Health Safety Environment Level 1, 2 and 3
  • Training in line with the Methodology of the World Safety Organization
  • Tea Break
  • Experienced and Certified Consultants
  • Conducive Learning Environment
  • Internship and Employment Support

Health Safety and Environment Training

What Is the Mode of Training?

We have weekday and weekend batches for those you register for classroom training.

We also offer the option to Our E-learning Management System for Corp members who want to learn online.

After Training, Is There and Examination to Write?

Upon the conclusion of the training, the candidates will be obligatory to seat for an international exam. The papers to write are HSE levels 1, 2 & 3 (contains obligatory multiple-choice questions as well as essential practical-based questions. Candidates who pass this exam will be issued Certificates in two weeks after the exam, as well as certificates, will be sent from the World Safety Organization. The exams are held in our training centers and coordinated under the endorsement of WSO.

How Is The Examination Marked?

After the exams, all answers are returned to the World Safety Organization for evaluation. To pass each level, you need to score at least sixty percent in each of the levels. Each level passed entitles you to a credential for that level. However, candidates who fail to meet any of the requisite marks will be made to re-write examination for free.

Are you searching for the best HSE Training Service Provider? Consider visiting the HSE Training Academy.

Meeting government necessities for Health as well as Safety, of course, has the decisive objective of shielding your employees from harm. You would not want an office accident on your scruples, or to feel accountable for long-term effects from work on someone’s physical condition.

Meeting government necessities for Health as well as Safety, of course, has the decisive objective of shielding your employees from harm. You would not want an office accident on your scruples, or to feel accountable for long-term effects from work on someone’s physical condition.

Further to this, having staff skilled in HSE Training in Nigeria means abridged insurance premiums, improved local standing, increased efficiency, reduced deficiency, and shields you against legal costs – or even incarceration!

Within the corporation, the role of managing health and safety frequently falls to a manager or else supervisor. Fundamentally, they assume training in HSE Training in Lagos and practices to fulfill this position and guard the rest of the staff.

Here's some more on those traditions that following Health and Safety perform can profit your business:

Reduced Insurance Premiums

Proving that you have managers who are trained in Health and Safety issues will lessen your insurance premiums because, of course, it means you are less likely to make a claim. Not only will that, but the actions taken to avert injury or sickness mean those premiums continue low down because no claims are made.

Enhanced Reputation

Take this as an instance: One in four call center staff says they undergo problems with their gorge as well as voice as a consequence of insufficient health and safety deliberation. Not only is this going to augment costs in terms of covering their absences, but it can also harshly impact the status of commerce.

If you are looking out for the best HSE Training service provider, then consider hiring HSE Training Academy.


Conferring fundamental health and safety training has turned out to be exceptionally basic as the loss of life and setbacks on account of accidents at the workplace is expanding at an extremely fast rate. In this way, it has turned into a key need of employers to anticipate sick health and damage, brought about by work, of their employees.

Benefits Of Health And Safety Training

HSE Professional Certification

  • The employees don't get harmed or wiped out due to their work.
  • It builds up a healthy and safe environment at the workplace and makes healthy and safe living natural to the employees.
  • The right hse professional certification helps in maintaining a distance from the money related expenses and losses that you need to pay because of your employees becoming ill at work or as a result of it.

There are numerous professional certification providers that offer assets and direction for health and safety training which can be executed through in-house coaches, outside mentors, or through open courses, e-learning, and separation learning. The courses were planned for creating learning, making carefulness and comprehension of lawful, good and social obligations by the managers as far as health, safety and welfare on their separate building locales. As of late, it has come to be viewed as the most regarded capability for individuals trying to be in management positions, particularly in the development segment.

It is likewise basic that all associations bestow essential emergency treatment training to the majority of their employees. The hse professional certification courses help if there occurred any accident, ailment or damage by giving therapeutic intercession till professional help arrives. A medical aid course for the most part comprises of a progression of basic procedures that any individual can be prepared to perform.

Despite how little or huge your organization is, laborers face risks in their workplaces which can undermine their health and safety which is the reason why health safety and environment training in Nigeria is required. In certain businesses like the mining and oil ventures, the risks are in fact clear. These incorporate introduction to fire, synthetics, breakdown and blasts. For different fields, threats probably won't be self-evident.

Employees must hold fast to the rules of the health and safety at work. All things considered, they have the obligation of consideration for employees alongside every one of the guests to their workplace.

Despite how little or huge your organization is, laborers face risks in their workplaces which can undermine their health and safety which is the reason why health safety and environment training in Nigeria is required. In certain businesses like the mining and oil ventures, the risks are in fact clear. These incorporate introduction to fire, synthetics, breakdown and blasts. For different fields, threats probably won't be self-evident.

Health Safety And Environment Training In Nigeria

Because of the way that all hazards are available in all businesses, it is significant for companies to give the correct health and safety training for their employees or maybe enable them to experience such courses. It is additionally essential for them to refresh such learning routinely.

Workplace accidents and wounds can be diminished by teaching laborers on the nuts and bolts of word related health and safety. Consequently, this can keep companies from costly fights in court with employees alongside the deep rooted help for their families. Also, organization proprietors must remember that organizing the safety of your staff can help shield them from leaving your firm and securing another position because of business related issues.

Besides that, organizations can likewise appreciate an expanded efficiency and fulfillment among faculty by having the workplace safe consistently with health safety and environment training in Nigeria. It is worth note taking that employees working in a safe environment can significantly concentrate on their undertakings since they need not be stressed over their personal safety. Such upgrade center will at that point lead to all the more likely work yield, which can inevitably result to increment in profitability and benefit.

It is additionally significant that laborers every now and again get normal health safety and environment training so as to revive their insight as things may have been overlooked since the last session.

To certain companies and business foundations, personal security and safety systems are introduced and are being utilized. Beside these cutting edge gadgetry apparatuses, straightforward procedures and techniques are set up by such companies to be taken into utilization in an occasion of a crisis.

These focal points of health safety and environment training can be utilized by the managers and supervisors in doing their part at whatever point there is a health and security danger on their subordinates.

The way toward giving these health and security measures can be a significant dreary activity. Luckily, there are firms and gatherings that offer their administrations in giving health and safety trainings to managers, supervisors, and even down to the subordinates.

health safety and environment training

By picking to have this sort of training, affirmation and true serenity can be anything but difficult to get by since expert assistance is headed. Authorized, experienced and demonstrated coaches can be of incredible assistance in an organization's objective to accomplish legitimate health and safety in the workplace.

It is additionally significant that laborers every now and again get normal health safety and environment training so as to revive their insight as things may have been overlooked since the last session.

Training ought to likewise be given when conditions change, for example, when an individual is moved to another territory of the business, when new hardware is presented, or there is a change to how existing apparatus is utilized. The organization's insurance organization may likewise require training in a particular region as a major aspect of the consent to guarantee the business.

When you have to deal with so many things, you will surely not have time to look after and the safety and health measures implemented and followed at the work place. You also don’t have the right kind of certification. So, help your employees to join the advanced HSE certification program and make them eligible for this post.

No matter what sort career you choose, there is always a need to have the right kind of certification. When you have the right kind of certification, it automatically makes you eligible for the respective field in which you want to craft a career. For those who are looking forward to work as the health and safety professionals, the HSE certification offered by the top Nigerian institute can also bring the same sort of outcome. At different industries, you can find managers and supervisors handling the health and safety measures. Well, this is the scene of the past. But now things have changed and these supervisors and managers need to get the health, safety and environment certification so that they can work at this post in an authorize manner.

  • Make them eligible

Employers are also offering a great importance to hire these professionals. As an employer, you have to handle so many works for the enhancement and betterment of your industry. When you have to deal with so many things, you will surely not have time to look after and the safety and health measures implemented and followed at the work place. You also don’t have the right kind of certification. So, help your employees to join the advanced HSE certification program and make them eligible for this post.

advanced HSE 

  • Make your workplace better

No matter what sort of industry you operate, following the safety and health standards has become very vital now. The time has come to hire the professionals who have gone through the relevant certification.


It keeps the industrial property safe and the workers as well. Even the employers are offering a great importance to the HSE audit, so that the safety parameters followed at the venue can be checked properly.

No matter what field you choose to craft a career, without going through proper training, you may not be able to get the certification that can help you craft the desired career. The same goes for those who are looking forward to work as the health and safety professionals. Health, safety and environment training or known as the HSE training can help you craft a thriving career in this field. And this time such training program is offered in Nigeria. The top institute form Lagos, Nigeria has announced the HSE 1 2 3 training program. Well, here they offer the best training to the candidates. They strongly believe in hands on training program so that candidates can receive a practical experience. This will help them to work at the industries in a more practical manner.

  • Audit is vital

At different industries a high level of importance is given to the safety standards these days. To prevent accidents and property loss, following these safety parameters has also become very vital. It keeps the industrial property safe and the workers as well. Even the employers are offering a great importance to the HSE audit, so that the safety parameters followed at the venue can be checked properly. This is where having a HSE professional at the industry can bring great help for you.

  • These professionals are in demand

It’s the work of a health, safety and environment professional that seems to be vital enough at just any industry. When you have such a pro, it ensures that the work place is safe enough to work.

There are many HSE course providers that provide different courses including general HSE online. It is necessary enrolling with one that is nationally as well as internationally recognized.

In many countries and especially in Nigeria, HSE training and certifications are mandatory for any safety and environment professional. In addition; it is also mandatory for every enterprise to give basic training in health, safety, and environment to all the employees as well as the employer in an enterprise. Thus undergoing HSE training is essential for all in the country but the problem is that not all the people have the required time to enroll for regular class based training. For such people a feasible and acceptable alternative is enrolling for one of the HSE courses online. 

Considerations in Enrolling for HSE Courses Online

It does not mean the candidate looking for HSE courses should opt for the first one that comes his or her way. Online studies have various advantages as the learner can pursue the course at his or her own pace and convenient timing. However, it is necessary finding a qualitative course and an online academy awarding accredited certification courses on HSE recognize nationally and globally. The courses offered should not only include HSE levels 1, 2, and 3 but also the NEBOSH and IOSH courses for the online trainees.

Enroll with a Nationally and Internationally Recognized Academy Online

There are many HSE course providers that provide different courses including general HSE online. It is necessary enrolling with one that is nationally as well as internationally recognized. General courses in HSE include level 1 and 2 and the course materials incorporate safety competence manual and presentations so that the learner can learn by watching.

Online HSE courses have the advantage of great flexibility but one has to find the right course and right institute to enroll.

general HSE

If you are looking forward to building up a career as the safety professional then first of all you have to obtain the HSE professional certification in Nigeria.

If you are looking forward to building up a career as the safety professional then first of all you have to obtain the HSE professional certification in Nigeria. The reason is that according to the law of the land such certification is mandatory for a safety professional in the country. HSE refers to health, safety, and environment and it is important for the safety professional as well as the employer to know about the purpose as well as the benefits of such certification.

Health, Safety and Environment Training is Important

HSE Professional Certification

Health and safety of the employees and employer at workplace is one of the crucial issues that can affect the productivity and performance of any enterprise. Providing safe environment for the employees is absolute necessity for any company. Effective HSE training incorporates regulations, methods, as well as the processes necessary to protect the workers from possible workplace hazards as well as the people visiting the place from harms due to exposure to various threats like harmful substances.

Implementation of HSE Management System

In order to ensure compliance with the regulations the companies in Nigeria implement the HSE management system. The health, safety and environment training is an integral part of the process. All the workers in the enterprise especially when it is a factory are to be given the training.

HSE training in Nigeria aims to ensure safe environment at workplace for all and the benefit is minimizing workplace accidents and ill health due to various exposures. On the other hand it opens up suitable career prospects for safety professionals.


The present day’s industries are the places where they offer a great importance to safety, health and environment. At these venues, they offer a great importance to the safety of the workers, environment and industrial property. And to manage these elements, they also hire the best health and safety professionals. Working as a health and safety professional can bring great result for you. These pros are working at different industries and handling different processes to keep them safe and sound for the workers. Having a keen eye on the health of the workers and helping them to stay safe and healthy is the work that can be only done by a health and safety professional. At the same time, industries also need to take steps for the protection of the environment. This is where the health, safety and environment training can bring the best outcome for you while trying to craft a career in this field.

  • It can make a big difference for your career

When you want to work in the desired field, you also need to collect the certification first. Without a proper certification, you may not be able to get a chance to work in the desired field. And when it comes to health, safety and environment like aspect, the HSE professional certification can bring that big difference for you.

  • Work and receive rewards

Working as a health and safety professional can bring great rewards for you. This is a thriving career and rewards are surely many.


HSE or Health, Safety, And Environment Training define the directives and principles by which organizations and managers conduct their industrial operations worldwide. Organizations, who want to demonstrate their consistent commitment to the highest standards of workplace safety, health, and security for their employees, contractors, and customers; while efficiently protecting their project objectives, must consider HSE training for their employees!

Benefits Of HSE Training For Working Professionals 

Those who have specialized certificates of HSE training always get better perks than untrained managers. Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) training educates you about the methods, regulations, and processes of workplace safety, which eventually helps you protecting workers, projects, and the work environment from any kind of hazards or harm.

Having HSE Professional Certification demonstrates your advanced skills and knowledge about workplace safety and broadens your market opportunities and job scopes in the global corporate industry. Managers with HSE certificates are usually considered as an asset to the organization, and it also brightens your prospects and salary scopes within the organization.

Alongside these, there are few more career benefits that an HSE-trained working professional enjoys, and they are:

  • More business and job opportunities
  • Better scopes for high-salaried jobs at reputed companies
  • Higher prospects of promotion at workplace
  • Higher job satisfaction
  • Improved self-esteem
  • Increased abilities for environment and health protection
  • Reduced malingering in office crowd
  • Better work productivity

Choose the institution wisely in Nigeria when pursuing Health, Safety, And Environment Training certifications to gain the best competitive perks in your career!